This Life I Styled - One Room Challenge Fall '19 - Week 3

“Progress. Not perfection.” That’s my mantra right now. I’m making progress, but the finish is like is honestly still feeling about a million miles away. We’re all in week three of the One Room Challenge and while I’m feeling a little behind, I’m beyond impressed seeing just how much so many others are getting accomplished in just three short weeks! You can check out the featured Designers for this challenge here and all the guest participants here!

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Confession, I’m feeling a little guilty. Just a little though. I took last weekend off to get out of town with my family to enjoy the fall weather and visit with some family. I still don’t feel that overwhelmed yet, but when I took a look at my “to-do” list I have made for myself, it’s definitely an eye opener that it’s about time to start burning the midnight oil. Here’s a look at last weeks post and here’s the recap my goals for Week 2 and fill you in on why it is that I’m feeling that little pang of guilt!

  • Purchase and stain all the new stair treads - purchased, but definitely NOT stained.

  • Install the newly painted cabinets - the frames are in place, but the doors are all still hanging out in our playroom.

  • Re-install our washer and dryer AS SOON AS FRIGGIN POSSIBLE! - haha, yep, that’s done. I couldn’t go one more day without access to laundry for my kids! They’re so messy!

  • Paint and install all new trim - big. fat. NOPE.

  • Sand and skim coat wall that is to be wallpapered -check!

  • Source and template solid surface remnant for the new cabinet layout - done! This was actually a lot of fun.

  • Finish ordering all remaining items - I think I’ve got this covered, but I feel like something always comes up at the end that I’ll have to rush around for.

  • Take photos of my little ones for my feature art - wish me luck on that one - yea… I keep trying for this one, but the tiny guy is nearly impossible to catch. I have a whole new appreciation for family photographers!

None-the-less, I am loving watching my laundry room evolve! It brings out that little girl inside of me that wanted to become an Interior Designer in the first place! There’s just something so special about having an idea of transformation in my head, developing a plan and making it work with a budget, and watching things actually happen one step at a time.


I’m really proud of my prep job for wallpapering! The wallpaper that I’ve selected requires zero texture on the walls, so I knew I was in for a special treat in order to get my highly textured wall ready for the wallpapering process. But, I did a ton of research, watched a few videos and went for it!

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All in all, the skim coating and sanding wasn’t easy work, but I actually enjoyed it. Now, I have to sit around and wait like an impatient child for the wallpaper to show up. Not. Easy. I feel like that’s possibly the part that I’m the most excited about, so the sooner it gets here, the better!

The other notable and FUN activity I got to do last week was finding a natural stone center that sells remnants and select a couple pieces for my project. I’m no stranger to a granite and marble bone yard. I feel like it’s a great way to save money on projects where you really need a lot of it. In my case, it was a little more challenging because I had two small cabinets to put countertops on and one of them was a little bit of an abnormal size. However, where there’s a will, there’s a way, and not only did I succeed, but I was able to find almost exactly what I wanted. Small note about me - a natural stone showroom is basically my version of heaven!

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The hardest part so far for me has been having the house be in chaos. This is always a part of renovation I try to really prepare my clients for. It’s hard to be displaced and I tend to be a little on the neurotic side when it comes to keep things tidy. I have a pretty good case of ADHD, so when things are tidy and put where they belong, it sends off some major triggers and creates BIG distractions for me. However, I’m doing my best living in the mess and here’s a lovely little photo to prove it. Seriously, stuff is just EVERYWHERE and there’s nothing I can do about it.

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What’s Next

So, to play a little catch up this week, my husband and I have called in some reinforcements! My handy, dandy father in law is coming to help out! We’re tackling our stairs this week, which really is a two person job. With a one year old and a three year old, we just simply have to have an extra set of hands. Here’s this weeks goal list.

  • Knock out the stair treads. I should probably just leave it there as I know this is going to be a HUGE undertaking!

  • Find the right stain for the new stair treads to match our new flooring.

  • Finish painting all remaining cabinet trim and install.

  • Get all cabinet doors out of our children’s line of fire!

  • Make another attempt at photographing my youngest for my feature art.

  • Make and install the washer and dryer surround.

  • Install solid surface countertops.

  • Install backsplash.

  • Retrofit my new light fixture from a plug-in to a hardwire fixture.

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Whew, feels like a lot, but I’m feeling energized and excited! I cannot wait to check back in next week and share some huge progress. Looking at this list makes me realize that this week is going to be one of those where some of the biggest changes get made. How invigorating is that?!


Don’t forget to check out all the other exciting transformations taking place on the One Room Challenge Blog! You won’t regret it! Thank you so much for stopping by! You’re support and interest is very much appreciated. You can also catch up with the past few progress entries of mine below.


Happy Designing


One Room Challenge - This Life I Styled