One Room Challenge | Master Bedroom | Week 1
Hi All! Here we go again! Another One Room Challenge, and for the first time, I’m feeling well prepared and ecstatic to make this project happen. Due to this little ol’ thing called Covid-19, I’ve been able to get very intentional and planned out with my vision and how I intend to turn my Master Bedroom into a slice of heaven!
A sneak peak at a few finishes for my upcoming masterpiece!
If you’re new here, Hi! I’m Heather-Scherie. I’ve been a professional Interior Designer for what feels like eons now. I’m the owner of Whitestone Design Group based in the Greater Seattle Area. I’m a lover of DIY’s, all things design, and life in general. I have two delectable little boys, ages one and three, and am the wife to my handsome hubs that embraces all my needs to turn everything into a project!
For me, the One Room Challenge has been something I’ve really grown to look forward to because it creates the opportunity for me to really sink in and create spaces that are 100% my style, my vibe, and focus on what I love when it comes to aesthetics and functionality. It’s so easy for me to get swept up in the work that I pour myself into for others and put my own home on the bottom of the to do list over and over again. I’m so grateful to Linda, the creator of the One Room Challenge, for continuing to host this event season after season because it makes me move my own home back up to the top of my priorities!
If you’re not familiar with what the One Room Challenge is, let me fill you in real quick. Each season, (Fall and Spring), twenty featured designers are selected to share their talents with all of those who love design and a serious Before & After. Be sure to check in on those folks right here and be ready to be inspired! In addition, other lovers of design, DIYers, Designers and everyone in between are invited to participate as Guest Participants to show off their projects on the hosts site as well. You can see all of the other spectacular talent here.
Moving on to the project at hand. I’ve decided to take on my Master Bedroom. Through the last few challenges, I’ve seen so many amazing master bedroom and ensuite renovations and I think that’s so important. When I work with clients, its always easy to put the bedroom on the bottom of the list because it can feel like it’s seen by others far less than other areas of the home. However, I feel that ensuring that your bedroom is restful and a place of rejuvenation, is critical to having a healthy and happy life. It’s the place we recharge and reflect on our days. Investing in the place you rest your body and soul is one of the best investments a person can make. So, with this challenge, I’m glad to finally be taking my own advice!
These were the pictures I took of the house when we first toured it before we even own it. The house is great!! It’s in excellent condition, but as a whole, it just lacked personality and style. The master bedroom is so dark. For who I am as a person, great light is critical for me! The closet is A W F U L! I’m a fashion lover, so being able to get to my wardrobe all at once is important and with sliding doors, it’s just does not functioning well at all. Plus, the orange doors might give me hives. Ick.
My hope for this space is to create a light filled, welcoming and restorative space. Outside of just sleeping, my bedroom serves a lot of other purposes. I use this space for a lot of blogging opportunities, so good light is KEY. I also do my morning meditation and yoga in my bedroom before I ever leave to help get the kids fed and ready each day. And, it’s also my one space in our entire home that my husband and I have really committed to be “adult space” and have major boundaries around letting our littles take over and go wild. We still let them in, don’t get me wrong, but we have strict rules about being respectful in that room. So, grown up space, here I come!
I’ve loved monochromatic spaces ever since I started Design School. I want to clean, restful feel with a lot of natural elements and sustainable materials. I want to focus on a lot of up-cycling of things I own to avoid waste and get my hands dirty with some DIY’s. I’m a texture girl, so I want to make sure to include materials and elements that just make you want to touch everything to see how it feels. And, of course, I want to add a tiny touch of drama. Because I may not like it in my life, but this girl loooooves a bit of it in my design plans.
The To-Do List
Add lighting to the room
Natural and Artificial
Remove old closet
Install new (high functioning) closet
Trim out the closet to get that “built-in” effect
Change wall with existing doors to be more balanced and functional
Make new doors
Reupholster the existing bed
Figure out cord management
Remove all existing trim
Install new trim
Rehab existing nightstands
Prime and Paint new and existing walls
Figure out what to do with my existing floors
Figure out how to finish off the space with those special details without actually being able to go to a shop to find them!
Make a decision on window treatments and get them ordered ASAP
Enjoy each step of this process and remember that the reveal day is ALWAYS worth it in the end
I’ll be sharing daily in my Instagram stories how things are coming along and, of course, sharing weekly the past weeks developments. I’m feeling really good about this transformation!! However, I think the thing I’m looking forward to the most, is watching the other ORCers that I’ve come to admire and respect, see their transformations come to fruition! The people that I’ve met along the way have certainly helped me to lean into this process because I know that we’re all in it together.
Next week, I’ll be sharing my finalized design plans and sharing the progress that I’ve made. I can’t wait to get back to you all soon. As always, thank you so much for the love and support! It makes all the time and effort so worth it and I wouldn’t be a success with you all.
Happy Designing