Fall 2020 One Room Challenge | Week 4
My dear friends, I’m so happy to share that I think I’m actually going to make it to the end on this toddler room transformation! A lot of great things have come together this week. So many details are starting to show up and I’m really feeling like big progress has been made. Over the past couple weeks, I genuinely was questioning whether or not getting to 100% completion was going to be possible. But, here we are, wrapping up week four and I’m feeling really good sharing a beautiful transformation in two weeks!
If you’re not familiar with what the One Room Challenge is, let me fill you in real quick. Each season, (Fall and Spring), twenty featured designers are selected to share their talents with all of those who love design and a serious Before & After. Be sure to check in on those folks right here and be ready to be inspired! In addition, other lovers of design, DIYers, Designers and everyone in between are invited to participate as Guest Participants to show off their projects on the hosts site as well. You can see all of the other spectacular talent here.
If you’re new here, hello! I’m Heather-Scherie. I’ve been a professional Interior Designer for forEVER now and I’m one of the owners of the Whitestone Design Group based in the Greater Seattle Area. I’m a lover of DIY’s, all things design, and great adventures. I have two irresistible little boys, ages two and four, and am the wife to my handsome hubs. My approach to life is not to take anything too seriously and find the joy in every second of it!
Finishing out the closet has been the most consuming part of the week. It’s important to me that the closet is both highly functional for myself and for my toddler. I envision him being able to cuddle up in here with books and toys, while I also, have an abundance of storage. It’s not completely finished, but we’re getting really close. I’ll definitely feel much better when the closet is done because it’s the last area of the space still giving my fits.
I built a little desk for the room this week! It’s so cute too. Why are child height items just so much cuter than adult sized items? I can’t wait to get this desk in there and see him get some use out of it!
Accessories and details are all starting to arrive! Editing and showing restraint in this room is going to be so hard! Kids decor is just irresistible and while I want to have everything that’s adorable in there, I know its so important to select items that serve as both form and function. Too much in a kids room is just asking for it. Hours and hours of weekly clean up… no thanks!
The last big notable detail I’ve decided on this week is that I won’t be changing the paint color again. The room just doesn’t get enough natural light to justify going any darker. And, the color has also grown on me a lot over the last week anyway. I can’t wait to get this little shelfie moment all styled up and looking cute!
Well, party people, it’s time for me to get back to it. This room certainly isn’t going to finish itself! I can’t wait to share more with you next week. And, as always, thank you much for stopping by and spending some time with me!