My 5 Year Travel Bucket List
“ I'm in love with cities I've never been to and people I've never met.” – John Green.
If I were to chose another career path… I’d be a world traveler and get paid for it. No. Joke. I love to travel - I was raised this way. And as long as I’m breathing, I will forever be planning my next trip. My husband and I were chatting the other day about the next places on our lists, and it got me thinking… My life is very different now with two tiny ones taking up some serious room in my heart, and I can’t really imagine traveling without them! So, although my 5 year travel bucket lists has changed a little in the last year, we’re still committed to not slowing down a bit!
1. Tulum, Mexico
Photo by Forbes Magazine
I’ve been dreaming of visiting this little gym for AGES! Due to proximity, I still feel like it is a completely reasonable destination as it’s not crazy far in terms of travel. I may end up doing a work trip here. I feel like there’s a ton of inspiration for an Interior Designer from everything that I’ve seen about this native little town. However, my husband and I both feel like we could do this trip with our tiny ones in tow!
2. The Bahamas
Photo by TripSavy
Flying across the United States doesn’t seem like the most fun with two little ones, but the flight to Nassau from Tampa is so quick! I feel like a little red eye to Tampa and a quick hop over the islands seems completely do-able. I can’t imagine that kids wouldn’t have an amazing time at the Disney Resort there either! It’s beautiful, warm and the travel season reasonable.
3. St. Lucia
Photo by Sail Magazine
This kind of falls into the same category as the Bahamas. The travel doesn’t seem too bad when you’re taking kids into account, but once you’re there, it seems like total paradise! I’ve wanted to travel to St. Lucia my entire life, I don’t see why I wouldn’t sneak that into the 5 year plan!
4. San Diego, California
Photo by
Well, it’s domestic. So, that’s an obvious bonus! I’ve never been to San Diego, but I’ve really enjoyed everywhere else that I’ve visited in California and most friends have reported that San Diego is pretty great! There’s an aquarium, beaches, and botanical gardens. Plenty of things to keep little ones busy!
5. Turks and Caicos
Photo by Forbes Travel Guide
This is another one that has been on my life long bucket list, but I feel like traveling here with kiddos should be totally reasonable. Through doing some research, I’ve found that there are quite a few family friendly resorts here and I NEED to check them out! I also know that finding condos in Turks and Caicos seems to be quite reasonable financially, so although my husband and I may push this one back until a little later on the list, I just might be the most excited about this one. I mean… there’s an island you can visit called Iguana Island! I can’t imagine that little kids wouldn’t find that to be pretty damn interesting!
So, there it is!! Wish me luck! I really hope that I can make this ALL happen in the next five years!
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